Replying to Run-Time Inquiry Messages
Running a Program Using a User-Created Command
You can create a command to run a program by using a command definition. A
command definition is an object (type *CMD) that contains the definition of a
command (including the command name, parameter descriptions, and validity-
checking information), and identifies the program that performs the function
requested by the command.
For example, you can create a command, PAY, that calls a program, PAYROLL,
where PAYROLL is the name of an RPG program that you want to run. You can
enter the command interactively, or in a batch job. See the
CL Programming
manual for further information about using command definitions.
Replying to Run-Time Inquiry Messages
When you run a program with ILE RPG procedures, run-time inquiry messages
may be generated. They occur when there is no error indicator or error subroutine
(*PSSR or INFSR) to handle the exception in a main procedure. The inquiry mes-
sages require a response before the program continues running.
Note: Inquiry messages are never issued for subprocedures.
You can add the inquiry messages to a system reply list to provide automatic
replies to the messages. The replies for these messages may be specified individ-
ually or generally. This method of replying to inquiry messages is especially suit-
able for batch programs, which would otherwise require an operator to issue
You can add the following ILE RPG inquiry messages to the system reply list:
RNQ0100 RNQ0222 RNQ0431 RNQ1031 RNQ1241
RNQ0101 RNQ0231 RNQ0432 RNQ1041 RNQ1251
RNQ0102 RNQ0232 RNQ0450 RNQ1042 RNQ1255
RNQ0103 RNQ0299 RNQ0501 RNQ1051 RNQ1261
RNQ0104 RNQ0333 RNQ0502 RNQ1071 RNQ1271
RNQ0112 RNQ0401 RNQ0802 RNQ1201 RNQ1281
RNQ0113 RNQ0402 RNQ0803 RNQ1211 RNQ1282
RNQ0114 RNQ0411 RNQ0804 RNQ1215 RNQ1284
RNQ0115 RNQ0412 RNQ0805 RNQ1216 RNQ1285
RNQ0120 RNQ0413 RNQ0907 RNQ1217 RNQ1286
RNQ0121 RNQ0414 RNQ1011 RNQ1218 RNQ1287
RNQ0122 RNQ0415 RNQ1021 RNQ1221 RNQ1299
RNQ0123 RNQ0421 RNQ1022 RNQ1222 RNQ1331
RNQ0202 RNQ0425 RNQ1023 RNQ1231 RNQ9998
RNQ0211 RNQ0426 RNQ1024 RNQ1235 RNQ9999
Note: ILE RPG inquiry messages have a message id prefix of RNQ.
To add inquiry messages to a system reply list using the Add Reply List Entry
command enter:
ADDRPYLE sequence-no message-id
108 ILE RPG for AS/400 Programmer's Guide