conversion problems 402
displaying while debugging 202
loading 403
prerun-time arrays 403
arrival sequence access path 282
ATTR debug command
definition 164
example 210
using 210
audit file 381
See also
log file
AUT parameter
CRTBNDRPG command 58, 415
CRTRPGMOD command 74
authority to commands xv
auto report program
converting to ILE RPG 389
avoiding a loop in an error subroutine 235
behavior of bound ILE RPG modules 80
behavioral differences between OPM RPG/400 and ILE
RPG 373
bibliography 439
bindable APIs
calling conventions 155
CEECRHP (Create Heap) 20, 120
CEECZST (Reallocate Storage) 20
CEEDSHP (Discard Heap) 20, 120
CEEFRST (Free Storage) 20
CEEGTST (Get Heap Storage) 20, 120
CEEHDLR (Register ILE Condition Handler) 238
CEEHDLU (Unregister ILE Condition Handler) 238
CEERTX (Register Call Stack Entry Termination
User Exit Procedure) 244
CEETSTA (Check for Omitted Argument) 140
CEEUTX (Call Stack Entry Termination User Exit
Procedure) 244
Create Heap (CEECRHP) 20, 120
description 155
Discard Heap (CEEDSHP) 20, 120
Free Storage (CEEFRST) 20
Get Descriptive Information About a String Argument
(CEESGI) 139
Get Heap Storage (CEEGTST) 20, 120
overview 20
passing operational descriptors to 138
Reallocate Storage (CEECZST) 20
Retrieve Operational Descriptor Information
(CEEDOD) 139
returning from a procedure 155
sample coding 155
binder language
example 97
reasons for using 92
binder listing
as maintenance resource 86
basic 100
creating 85
determining exports in service program 91
sections of 85
after modifying a module 86
definition 81
modules into a program 81
service program to a program 98
binding errors in compiler listing 437
binding multiple modules 84
blocking/unblocking records 287
CRTBNDRPG command 58, 418
CRTRPGMOD command 74
static binding 60
BREAK debug command
definition 164
example 183
using 179, 181, 185
setting and removing for job 181
setting and removing for thread 187
removing all 188
setting and removing 177
setting using statement numbers 185
testing 178
setting and removing for job 178
setting and removing for thread 180
browsing a compiler listing using SEU 68
built-in functions
%ADDR 140
calculation specifications
general description 3
program-described WORKSTN file 340
CALL (call a program) operation code
in a conversion report 394
using 148
CALL CL command
example passing parameters 104
passing parameters 104
running a program 103
call operations
calling programs 148
fixed-form call 148
444 ILE RPG for AS/400 Programmer's Guide