cific authority to the object. The authority can be altered for all users or for
specified users after the program is created with the CL commands Grant
Object Authority (GRTOBJAUT) or Revoke Object Authority (RVKOBJAUT). For
further information on these commands, see the
CL Reference (Abridged)
The public authority for the object is taken from the CRTAUT keyword of
the target library (the library that contains the object). The value is deter-
mined when the object is created. If the CRTAUT value for the library
changes after the create, the new value will not affect any existing objects.
Authority for all operations on the program object, except those limited to
the owner or controlled by authorization list management authority. The
user can control the program object's existence, specify this security for it,
change it, and perform basic functions on it, but cannot transfer its owner-
Provides all data authority and the authority to perform all operations on the
program object except those limited to the owner or controlled by object
authority and object management authority. The user can change the object
and perform basic functions on it.
Provides object operational authority and read authority; that is, authority
for basic operations on the program object. The user is prevented from
changing the object.
The user is prevented from accessing the object.
authorization-list name
Enter the name of an authorization list of users and authorities to which the
program is added. The program object will be secured by this authorization
list, and the public authority for the program object will be set to *AUTL.
The authorization list must exist on the system when the CRTBNDRPG
command is issued.
Note: Use the AUT parameter to reflect the security requirements of your
system. The security facilities available are described in detail in
Security - Reference
Specifies if the truncated value is moved to the result field or an error is gener-
ated when numeric overflow occurs while running the program.
Note: The TRUNCNBR option does not apply to calculations performed within
expressions. (Expressions are found in the Extended-Factor 2 field.) If
overflow occurs for these calculations, an error will always occur. In
addition, overflow is always signalled for any operation where the value
that is assigned to an integer or unsigned field is out of range.
Ignore numeric overflow and move the truncated value to the result field.
416 ILE RPG for AS/400 Programmer's Guide