| – *SRCSTMT allows you to assign statement numbers for debugging from
| the source IDs and SEU sequence numbers in the compiler listing. (The
| statement number is used to identify errors in the compiler listing by the
| debugger, and to identify the statement where a run-time error occurs.)
| *NOSRCSTMT specifies that statement numbers are associated with the
| Line Numbers of the listing and the numbers are assigned sequentially.
| – Now you can choose not to generate breakpoints for input and output spec-
| ifications in the debug view with *NODEBUGIO. If this option is selected, a
| STEP on a READ statement in the debugger will step to the next calcu-
| lation, rather than stepping through the input specifications.
| New special words for the INZ definition specification keyword:
| – INZ(*EXTDFT) allows you to use the default values in the DDS for initial-
| izing externally described data structure subfields.
| – Character variables initialized by INZ(*USER) are initialized to the name of
| the current user profile.
| The new %XFOOT built-in function sums all elements of a specified array
| expression.
| The new EVALR operation code evaluates expressions and assigns the result
| to a fixed-length character or graphic result. The assignment right-adjusts the
| data within the result.
| The new FOR operation code performs an iterative loop and allows free-form
| expressions for the initial, increment, and limit values.
| The new LEAVESR operation code can be used to exit from any point within a
| subroutine.
| The new *NEXT parameter on the OVERLAY(name:*NEXT) keyword indicates
| that a subfield overlays another subfield at the next available position.
| The ability to use hexadecimal literals with integer and unsigned integer fields
| in initialization and free-form operations, such as EVAL, IF, etc.
| New control specification keyword OPENOPT{(*NOINZOFL | *INZOFL)} to indi-
| cate whether the overflow indicators should be reset to *OFF when a file is
| opened.
| Ability to tolerate pointers in teraspace — a memory model that allows more
| than 16 megabytes of contiguous storage in one allocation.
| The following tables summarize the changed and new language elements, based
| on the part of the language affected.
xviii ILE RPG for AS/400 Programmer's Guide