
control-record format, subfile 335
Conversion Aid
converting to RPG IV
conversion reports
obtaining 389
sections of 394
using 394
conversion, analyzing 393
converting to RPG IV
analyzing your conversion 393
constraints 382
conversion problems 398
converting 382
converting all file members 388
converting auto report source members 389
converting some file members 388
converting source from a data file 390
converting source members with embedded
SQL 390
CVTRPGSRC command 383
example 390
file and member names 381
file considerations 380
file record length 380
log file 381
obtaining conversion reports 389
overview 379
performing a trial conversion 388
requirements 381
using a conversion error report 394
using the log file 396
valid source member types 380
CoOperative Development Environment/400
description 14
event file 411
coordinating listing options with debug view options 69
correcting compilation errors 66
correcting run-time errors 68
Create Bound RPG Program (CRTBNDRPG) command
and ILE 18
coordinating listing options with debug view 69
creating programs 57
default parameter values 58
OPM-compatible program 61
program for source debugging 59
program with static binding 60
parameter description 408
parameters grouped by function 58
program creation strategy 23, 25
RETURNCODE data area 70
syntax diagram 406
using 57
Create Heap (CEECRHP) bindable API 20, 120
Create Program (CRTPGM) command 27
and ILE 18
creating a program 73
examples 98
binding multiple modules 84
parameters 83
system actions 83
using 82
Create RPG Module (CRTRPGMOD) command
and ILE 18
default values of parameters 74
defaults 75
examples 97, 98
parameter description 422
parameter grouping by function 74
program creation strategy 27
syntax diagram 420
using 74
Create Service Program (CRTSRVPGM) command
and ILE 18
example 97
parameters 92
creating a binder listing 85
creating a debug view
COPY 168
listing 168
root source 167
statement 169
creating a library 51
creating a module
general discussion 73
using CRTRPGMOD 74
using CRTRPGMOD defaults 75
creating a program with the CRTBNDRPG
command 57
creating a source physical file 51
creating programs
coding considerations 45, 46
examples of 59, 60, 61, 84
creating 23
strategy to avoid 31
strategies for 23
CRTPGM command 82
ILE application using CRTRPGMOD 27
OPM-compatible 23
strategy to avoid 31
using CRTBNDRPG 25
using the one-step process 57
creating service programs
about 91
strategies 92
cross-reference listing 434
Create Bound RPG Program (CRTBNDRPG)
Index 447