Table 2 (Page 1 of 2). New Language Elements Since V4R2
Language Unit Element Description
| Control specifi-
| cation keywords
| *IGNORE | *SRC |
| number)
| Sets the default graphic CCSID for
| the module. This setting is used for
| literals, compile-time data and
| program-described input and output
| fields and definitions. The default is
| CCSID(*UCS2: number)| Sets the default UCS-2 CCSID for
| the module. This setting is used for
| literals, compile-time data and
| program-described input and output
| fields and definitions. The default is
| 13488.
| INTPREC(10 | 20)| Specifies the decimal precision of
| integer and unsigned intermediate
| values in binary arithmetic operations
| in expressions. The default,
| INTPREC(10), indicates that 10-digit
| precision is to be used.
| OPENOPT{(*NO | *YES)}| Indicates whether the overflow indi-
| cators should be reset to *OFF when
| a file is opened.
| THREAD(*SERIALIZE)| Indicates that the module is enabled
| to run in a multithreaded environ-
| ment. Access to the procedures in
| the module is to be serialized.
| Definition spec-
| ification
| keywords
| CCSID(number | *DFT)| Sets the graphic and UCS-2 CCSID
| for the definition.
| Built-in functions| %DIV(n:m)| Performs integer division on the two
| operands n and m; the result is n/m.
| The operands must be numeric
| values with zero decimal positions.
| %GRAPH(char-expr |
| graph-expr | UCS2-expr {:
| ccsid})
| Converts to graphic data from single-
| byte character, graphic, or UCS-2
| data.
| %REM(n:m)| Performs the integer remainder oper-
| ation on two operands n and m; the
| result is the remainder of n/m. The
| operands must be numeric values
| with zero decimal positions.
| %UCS2(char-expr | graph-
| expr | UCS2-expr {: ccsid})
| Converts to UCS-2 data from single-
| byte character, graphic, or UCS-2
| data.
| %XFOOT(array-expr)| Produces the sum of all the ele-
| ments in the specified array
| expression.
xx ILE RPG for AS/400 Programmer's Guide