Enter the name of the library where the sort sequence table is stored.
Specifies the language identifier to be used when the sort sequence is
*LANGIDUNQ and *LANGIDSHR. The LANGID parameter is used in conjunc-
tion with the SRTSEQ parameter to select the sort sequence table.
Use the LANGID value associated with the job when the RPG program is
Use the LANGID value associated with the job when the RPG program is
Use the language identifier specified. (For example, FRA for French and
DEU for German.)
Specifies if a new program is created when a program of the same name
already exists in the specified (or implied) library. The intermediate module
created during the processing of the CRTBNDRPG command are not subject to
the REPLACE specifications, and have an implied REPLACE(*NO) against the
QTEMP library. The intermediate modules is deleted once the CRTBNDRPG
command has completed processing.
A new program is created in the specified library. The existing program of
the same name in the specified library is moved to library QRPLOBJ.
A new program is not created if a program of the same name already
exists in the specified library. The existing program is not replaced, a
message is displayed, and compilation stops.
Specifies the user profile that will run the created program object. The profile of
the program owner or the program user is used to run the program and to
control which objects can be used by the program (including the authority the
program has for each object). This parameter is not updated if the program
already exists. To change its value, you must delete the program and recompile
using the new value (or, if the constituent *MODULE objects exist, you may
choose to invoke the CRTPGM command).
The program runs under the user profile of the program's user.
The program runs under the user profile of both the program's user and
owner. The collective set of object authority in both user profiles are used
to find and access objects while the program is running. Any objects
created during the program are owned by the program's user.
Specifies the authority given to users who do not have specific authority to the
object, who are not on the authorization list, and whose user group has no spe-
Appendix C. The Create Commands 415