ILE Application Using CRTRPGMOD
XY Activation Group
Figure 8. Single-Language Application Using CRTRPGMOD and CRTPGM
The call from program X to program Y is a dynamic call. The calls among the
modules in program Y are static calls.
See “Effect of ILE” on page 26 for details on the effects of ILE on the way your
application handles calls, data, files and errors.
Mixed-Language ILE Application Scenario
In this scenario, you create integrated mixed-language applications. The main
module, written in one ILE language, calls procedures written in another ILE lan-
guage. The main module opens files that the other modules then share. Because
of the use of different languages, you may not expect consistent behavior.
However, ILE ensures that this occurs.
Figure 9 on page 30 shows the run-time view of an application containing a mixed-
language ILE program where one module calls a non-bindable API, QUSCRTUS
(Create User Space).
Chapter 3. Program Creation Strategies 29