listing view, creating 168
listing, binder
as maintenance resource 86
basic 100
creating 85
determining exports in service program 91
sections of 85
listing, compiler
additional diagnostic messages 68
browsing using SEU 68
coordinating listing options with debug view
options 69
correcting compilation errors 66
correcting run-time errors 68
default information 63
in-line diagnostic messages 67
indenting structured operations 65
obtaining 63
reading 423
sample listing 424
sections of 63, 424
specifying the format of 64
using 63
using as documentation 69
local variable
in formatted dump 258
file 275
read without locking 276
record locking wait time 276
retry on timeout 276
standalone 276
under commitment control 308
log file
about 381
DDS for 396
using 396
LOGFILE parameter 387
logical file
See also
DISK file
general 281
multi-format 281
LOGMBR parameter 387
long names
in compiler listing 434
loop, avoiding in an error subroutine 235
LR (last record) indicator
last record (LR) indicator
main procedure
coding considerations 46
overview 33
returning from 152
main procedure
scope of files 80
maintaining OPM compatibility 61, 111
managing activation groups 109
managing dynamically-allocated storage 113
managing programs 19
managing run-time storage 113
managing the default heap using RPG operations 113
manual code conversion 398
memory management operations
ALLOC (allocate storage) operation code 113
DEALLOC (free storage) operation code 113
REALLOC (reallocate storage with new length) oper-
ation code 113
message summary in compiler listing 436
additional diagnostic 68
example 224
types of 218
unhandled 223
in-line diagnostic 67
replying to 108
migrating to ILE RPG 379
See also
converting to RPG IV
modifying a module 86
about 73
behavior of bound ILE RPG 80
binding into a program 81
binding multiple 84
changing optimization level 87
changing while debugging 175
creating 73
creating a NOMAIN module 75
CRTRPGMOD command 74
determining the entry module 82
different debug views 176
effect of debug data on size 166
information in dump listing 251
modifying and rebinding 86
overview of multiple-procedure module 33
preparing for debugging 166
reducing size 88
related CL commands 80
relationship to program 81
removing observability 88
replacing in a program 87
viewing source while debugging 174
module creation
general discussion 73
using CRTRPGMOD 74
using CRTRPGMOD defaults 75
module observability 88
Index 455