
Using a Compiler Listing
Select one of the following time separators: *SYSVAL, *BLANK, colon (:),
comma (,) or period (.)
Anywhere a date or time field appears in the listing, these values are used.
Customizing the Spacing
Each section of a listing usually starts on a new page; Each page of the listing
starts with product information, unless the source member contains a /TITLE direc-
tive. If it does, the product information appears on the second line and the title
appears on the first line.
You can control the spacing and pagination of the compiler listing through the use
of the /EJECT and /SPACE compiler directives. The /EJECT directive forces a page
break. The /SPACE directive controls line spacing within the listing. For more infor-
mation on these directives refer to the
ILE RPG for AS/400 Reference
Indenting Structured Operations
If your source specifications contain structured operations (such as DO-END or
IF-ELSE-END), you may want to have these indented in the source listing. The
INDENT parameter lets you specify whether to show indentation, and specify the
character to mark the indentation. If you do not want indentation, specify
INDENT(*NONE); this is the default. If you do want indentation, then specify up to
two characters to mark the indentation.
For example, to specify that you want structured operations to be indented and
marked with a vertical bar (|) followed by a space, you specify INDENT('| ').
If you request indentation, then some of the information which normally appears in
the source listing is removed, so as to allow for the indentation. The following
columns will not appear in the listing:
Do Num
Last Update
If you specify indentation and you also specify a listing debug view, the indentation
will not appear in the debug view.
Figure 33 on page 66 shows part of source listing which was produced with inden-
tation. The indentation mark is '| '.
Chapter 6. Creating a Program with the CRTBNDRPG Command 65