
UTIME. Core Server bitfile time modified events.
ACL_SET. Core Server access control list modification events.
CHBFID. Core Server change bitfile identifier events.
BFSETATTRS. Core Server set bitfile attribute events. Log Policy
The server Log Policy may also be accessed from the Logging Policies window.
It is not necessary to define a log policy for every server. If no server-specific log policy is defined for
the server, the server will use the System Default Logging policy. In this case, the Log Policy tab on the
Server Configuration window will display the values from the System Default Logging Policy.
Note that in order for modifications to the log policy to take effect, the appropriate server must be
reinitialized. In most cases, the server which must be reinitialized is the Log Client which executes on
the same host as the server whose log policy was changed. The only exception is for Movers; when the
log policy of a Mover is modified, that Mover itself must be reinitialized in order for the log policy
changes to take effect.
See Section 9.2: Log Policies on page 295 for a description of the Logging Policies window, for detailed
definitions of each log message type, and for information on the System Default Logging Policy.
The Log Policy section of the Server Configuration window is common to all servers. In the example
window above, the server displayed is a Core Server.
Field Descriptions
Record Types to Log. These log message types will be sent to the log subsystem by this server.
ALARM. If selected, Alarm messages generated by the server are sent to the log. It is strongly
recommended that this always be ON.
EVENT. If selected, Event messages generated by the server are sent to the log. It is
recommended that this always be ON.
REQUEST. If selected, Request messages generated by the server are sent to the log. Request
messages can easily flood the log on a busy system, so in many cases, this log type should be OFF.
SECURITY. If selected, Security messages generated by the server are sent to the log. Security
log messages are usually relatively few in number, so this log type should be ON.
ACCOUNTING. If selected, Accounting messages generated by the server are sent to the log.
DEBUG. If selected, Debug messages generated by the server are sent to the log. It is
recommended that this be ON, particularly in the Core Server and Mover. Debug messages are
only generated when an error occurs and they can be very helpful in determining the cause of the
HPSS Management Guide November 2009
Release 7.3 (Revision 1.0) 95