
File Family. The name of the file family to which the fileset is assigned. If this field contains
"Not in a family", the fileset has not been assigned to a family.
Fileset ID. The ID number which identifies the fileset. A fileset ID is displayed as two double-
comma-separated unsigned integer numbers.
Fileset Name. The unique name which has been assigned to the fileset.
Read. If checked, the fileset is available for reading.
Write. If checked, the fileset is available for writing.
Destroyed. If checked, the fileset cannot be written to or updated.
Subsystem Name. The subsystem name to which the fileset has been assigned. This is the
subsystem of the Core Server which controls the fileset.
User Data. This field is available for storing up to 128 bytes of data. The information can be
ASCII or binary.
Directories. The number of directories in this fileset.
Files. The number of files in this fileset.
Hard Links. The number of hard links in this fileset.
Junctions. The number of junctions in this fileset.
Sym Links. The number of symbolic links in this fileset.
Junction Name. The name of a junction that points to this fileset. This field may be blank if
there are no junctions configured to point to this fileset.
Parent Fileset. The name of the fileset in which the the junction resides. This field will be blank
if the Junction Name is blank.
Detail. Display the Core Server Fileset Information Window for the selected filesets. This button
is only enabled if 1 or more items are selected in the list.
Create Fileset. Display the Create Fileset Window so that a new fileset may be created. This
button is enable all the time.
Delete Fileset. Delete the selected filesets. This button is only enabled if 1 or more items are
selected in the list.
Create Junction. Create a junction to the selected fileset. This button is only enabled when there
is exactly 1 item selected in the list. The fileset name and id from the selected fileset will be used
to fill in the information on the Create Junction Window. The user will only have to supply the
Junction Name on the Create Junction Window to create the new Junction.
Delete Junction. Delete the selected junctions. This button is only enabled if 1 or more items are
selected in the list.
HPSS Management Guide November 2009
Release 7.3 (Revision 1.0) 309