alarm to SSM.
Critical Threshold. For disk storage classes, this value is a percentage of total storage space. When the
used space in this storage class exceeds this percent of the total space, the MPS will send a critical alarm
to SSM.
Note that the disk threshold reaches the warning level when the percent of used space rises
above the threshold value, while the tape threshold reaches the warning level when the free
volume count drops below the threshold value.
If you wish to disable the threshold so it will not generate any alarms, set this field to 100
percent for disk, 0 volumes for tape.
Threshold Status. The current used space threshold status. Possible values are OK, Warning, and
Migration Attributes Tab. This panel contains the current migration status for this storage class.
Policy Name. The name of the migration policy assigned to this storage class.
Policy ID. The ID of the migration policy assigned to this storage class.
State. The current migration state for this storage class. Possible values are:
• None - This storage class, as configured, is not a candidate for migration.
• Running - A migration on this storage class is in progress.
• Waiting - Migration is not taking place at this time. The start of the next migration is
waiting until criteria specified in the migration policy are met.
• Suspended - Migration on this storage class has been suspended by the system
Start Time. The date and time when the most recent migration run started. It may still be
End Time. The date and time when the last migration run completed.
Total Units Processed. The amount of space in the storage class which has been migrated during
the current or or most recent migration run. For disk storage classes and for tape storage classes
running the tape file migration algorithm, this is a number of bytes.
Control. This pull-down can be used to send commands to the MPS regarding migration on this
storage class. Click on it to drop down a list of control options. These are:
• None - Nothing has been selected for the migration Control.
• Start - If the migration state is Waiting, this starts the migration and puts it into the
Running state.
• Stop - If the migration state is Running, this stops the migration and puts it into the
Waiting state.
• Suspend - If the migration state is Waiting or Running, this puts the migration into the
HPSS Management Guide November 2009
Release 7.3 (Revision 1.0) 254