
Core Server
Resets the COS Copy to Disk, COS Change
Retry Limit, Tape Dismount Delay, Tape
Handoff Delay, PVL Max Connection Wait,
Fragment Trim Limit and Fragment Smallest
Block values to the values in the specific
configuration metadata record.
Reloads cached Class of Service information for
those COSs that were already cached in the
server's memory. Does not add new COSs to, or
remove deleted COSs from the cache. Does not
update COS cache information if the Hierarchy
ID in the COS changes.
Reloads cached Migration Policy for those
policies that were already cached in the server's
memory. Does not add new policies to, or
remove deleted policies from the cache.
Reloads cached global and subsystem Metadata
Space Warning Threshold, Metadata Space
Critical Threshold, Metadata Space Monitor
Interval and the DB Log Monitor Interval
values using values read from the Global and
Subsystem configuration metadata.
Reinitializes the Restricted User list in memory.
Releases the in-memory cache of File Family
Ids, allowing it to be reconstructed. If a file
family has been removed from the list of defined
families, this step causes it to be unknown to the
Core Server.
Reloads the in-memory cache of HPSS
environment variables from the “env.conf” file.
Any Core Server configuration information not
listed above is not changed when the server is
Mover Re-reads log policy only.
PVR Re-initializes the internal drive list cache.
All other servers No support for reinitialization.
To reinitialize a server, select the desired server(s) from the Servers window and click on the Reinitialize
button. SSM will confirm the request through a pop-up window. The result(s) of the request(s) may be
verified via the status bar on the Servers window as well through the Alarms and Events window.
If a server does not support reinitialization, a pop-up window will be displayed to inform the user of the
invalid request. Warnings are not displayed for servers that only partially support reinitialization.
HPSS Management Guide November 2009
Release 7.3 (Revision 1.0) 155