
window in Add mode, allowing you to create a new disk device and drive.
Create Tape. This button is always active. Clicking on it opens the Tape Device Configuration
window in Add mode, allowing you to create a new tape device and drive.
Configure. This button is active if one or more devices/drives are selected. Clicking the button
opens the Disk/Tape Device Configuration window for the selected devices and drives, allowing
you to view, delete, clone, or update the configuration(s).
Delete. This button is active if one or more device/drives is selected from the list. A dialog will be
displayed for each device/drive selected asking the user to confirm that the device/drive
configuration is to be deleted.
See Section 7.1.1: Devices and Drives Window on page 202 for information on changing preferences for
the Devices and Drives window.
7.1.2. Enable Variable Block Sizes for Tape Devices
All tape devices that will be used for HPSS data must be set to handle variable block sizes (to allow for
the ANSI standard 80-byte volume label and file section headers). This requirement is described in
detail in the HPSS Installation Guide, Section Tape Devices. Please refer to that section to be
certain your tape devices are configured correctly.
7.1.3. Changing a Drive's Configuration
In general, devices and drives can not be updated dynamically (i.e. while the PVL, associated Mover(s)
and associated PVR(s) (for tape) are UP). However, there are some drive attributes for which the
configuration metadata can be updated dynamically via the PVL Drive Information window and there are
some device attributes for which the configuration metadata is not updated dynamically but the server “in
memory” values can be changed dynamically (but not preserved when the Mover is restarted) via the
Mover Device Information window.
The device and drive configuration entry can be updated using the Disk Device Configuration or Tape
Device Configuration window (Section 7.1.1: Devices and Drives Window on page 202). The Disk
Device Configuration and Tape Device Configuration windows can not be updated dynamically. These
windows are opened by pressing the Configure button on the Devices and Drives window. Changing any
settable field on the Disk/Tape Device Configuration windows requires that several servers be shutdown:
the PVL
the Mover that is currently managing the device
the new Mover that will manage the device (if changing)
the PVR that is currently managing cartridges for this drive (if tape)
the PVR that will manage cartridges for this drive (if tape and if changing)
If any of these servers are running, follow the instructions in Section 5.1.1: Shutting Down an HPSS
Server on page 151 to shutdown the servers. Verify that these servers are no longer running before
attempting to reconfigure the drive. SSM will display a warning listing the servers requiring shutdown to
help the administrator verify that the proper servers have been shutdown.
HPSS Management Guide November 2009
Release 7.3 (Revision 1.0) 207