
requesting client to the AML’s storage positions, drives, and Insert/Eject units. Access configurations for
clients are set in the configuration file C:\DAS\ETC\CONFIG on the OS/2 PC. The client name can be up
to 64 alphanumeric characters in length and is case sensitive.
Server Name. TCP/IP host name or IP address of the AML OS/2-PC DAS server. This value must be
defined in the network domain server and must be resolvable during DAS start. The server name is set in
the configuration file C:\CONFIG.SYS on the OS/2 PC. The server name can be up to 64 alphanumeric
characters long and can include up to six dots (‘.’). AML PVR Additional Information
The AML PVR is supported by special bid only.
ADIC Automatic Media Library Storage Systems Information
HPSS can share an AML robot with other tape management systems. If a robot is shared, care must
be taken to make sure that a drive is not used by any other tape management system while that drive is
configured as unlocked in HPSS. This is important because HPSS can be configured to periodically poll
all of its unlocked drives even if they are not currently mounted or in use by HPSS. If a drive is being
used by another tape management system, it must be configured as locked in HPSS. For robots that have
more than one arm (such as the AML/2), users should configure the PVL Drive Information/Controller
ID of each drive depending on which arm is servicing it.
User needs to set the Server Name and Client Name, which are case sensitive, in the AML PVR Server
Configuration panel to establish the connectivity between the HPSS software and the OS/2 controlling
the robot. The Server Name is the name of the controller associated with the TCP/IP address, as defined
in the TCP/IP HOST file, and the Client Name is the name of the OS/2 administrator client as defined in
the DAS configuration.
Additionally users must configure the Insert/Eject ports for the AML PVR using the configuration files /
var/hpss/etc/AML_EjectPort.conf and /var/hpss/etc/AML_InsertPort.conf. The reasons are that the AML
robot can have multiple insert and eject ports, which have the capability to handle different media types.
These two configuration files in conjunction with the AMU AMS configuration files specify which
Insert/Eject areas or bins the tapes should be placed in for insertion into the archive and where they are
ejected to when the HPSS export command is used.
Note that if multiple E/I/F bins are used for exporting cartridges, users must set the environment variable
DAS_EJECTAREAFULL=1 on the DAS Server PC by doing the following:
1. Edit the config.sys
2. Add a new line:
Starting the DAS Server Processes
In order for the HPSS AML PVR to communicate with the AML robot, it is required that the DAS Server
process be running.
Once the DAS, TCP/IP and AML configuration have been completed, the DAS server is initialized and
started with the following steps:
HPSS Management Guide November 2009
Release 7.3 (Revision 1.0) 115