
server are removed from the HPSS configuration.
The steps described in this section are general guidelines. Specific procedures should be
worked out with the aid of HPSS technical support so that the details of the system's
configuration can be considered.
A server’s configuration should be removed only when it is no longer needed. To modify a server’s
configuration, update the existing configuration instead of deleting the configuration and creating a new
one. This will reduce the possibility of introducing configuration errors into HPSS.
There must be at least one Core Server, PVL, and Mover configuration entry in order for HPSS to be
It is very important that the server’s configuration entries be deleted in the order shown below.
To delete a server, perform the following steps in the order shown:
1. Delete all objects created by the server.
· If deleting a Core Server configuration, realize that this should only be done when deleting
the full subsystem. For detailed information on deleting a subsystem, see Section 4.2.5:
Deleting a Storage Subsystem on page 81.
· If deleting a PVL configuration, all imported cartridges must first be exported.
· If deleting a PVR configuration, all injected cartridges must either be exported or moved to
another PVR.
· If deleting a Gatekeeper, remove all references to that Gatekeeper from every Subsystem
1. Remove references to the server from other configurations.
Do not delete Root Core Server configuration.
· If deleting a PVR configuration, update the PVR field in the appropriate Device and Drive
configuration using the Devices and Drives window (Section 7.1.1 on page 202).
· If deleting a Mover configuration, update the Mover field in the appropriate Device and Drive
configuration using the Devices and Drives window (Section 7.1.1 on page 202).
1. After the affected configurations are modified, reinitialize (if supported) or recycle the
appropriate HPSS servers.
2. Ensure that the server is not running.
3. Delete UNIX files created/used by the server, if no longer needed.
· If deleting the MPS, delete the MPS reports.
· If deleting the Startup Daemon, delete all server lock files in the /var/hpss/tmp directory. The
names of these files always begin with hpssd.
· If deleting the Mover, delete Mover’s socket files in /var/hpss/tmp directory.
1. Delete the server configuration by opening the server list, highlighting the target server, and
HPSS Management Guide November 2009
Release 7.3 (Revision 1.0) 124