
PVR/Mover Notify Pending - The PVL needs to notify the associated PVR and Mover that the
drive has been created or deleted.
PVR Notify Pending - The PVL needs to notify the associated PVR that the drive has been
created or deleted.
Mover Notify Pending - The PVL needs to notify the associated Mover that the drive has been
created or deleted.
Abort PVR/Mover Notify – The PVL is aborting a pending notification.
Controller ID. An indication of the adapter/bus that is in the data path to the device. This field is used to
attempt to mount individual volumes of a set of striped media on different controllers, when possible, to
prevent contention on the data path.
Polling Interval (tape only). The number of seconds to wait between polling requests performed by the
PVL to determine if a tape or disk is present in the drive. The value for drives located within robotic
libraries should be set higher than for manually mounted drives, since the PVL will query the drive after
notification from the PVR that a cartridge has been mounted on it. It is recommended that this field be set
to 15 seconds for operator-mounted tape drives and 900 (15 minutes) for library-managed tape drives.
Use -1 to disable polling. Values of 0 to 14 are not valid.
Mounted Volume. The volume that is currently mounted on this drive.
Maintenance Date. The time and date when the drive last had maintenance performed on it. This date
must be entered manually and is provided for administrative information purposes only.
Drive Error Count. This field records the number of consecutive Drive Errors (set via the Retry Mount
Time Limit mechanism) which have occurred on the drive. When the number of errors equal or exceed
the PVR Drive Error Limit, the drive will automatically be locked by the PVL. The field can be reset to
zero administratively using the Reset button. A successful mount or PVL recycle will also zero the field.
Mounts Since Last Maintenance. The number of times a volume has been mounted on this drive since
the last maintenance. Clicking on the Reset button to the right of this field will reset the value to zero.
Drive Pool ID (tape only). If non-zero positive integer value, the Drive Pool ID will restrict this drive to
only be scheduled for tape read requests specifying this value. The default Drive Pool ID is 0 to indicate
that the drive is not restricted to a particular drive pool. Negative values are not allowed. Changing the
Drive Pool ID in this window can be performed while HPSS servers are up; however, the tape drive must
be locked and free. See Section 7.3: Drive Pools on page 218.
Comment. This field provides a 128 character buffer in the PVL drive metadata which gives the
administrator the opportunity to associate miscellaneous text with a device/drive. For example, a site may
want to place a comment in this field that the drive is out of service or being used by another system, etc.
Related Information
Section 16.1.2: Tape Management on page 368
7.3. Drive Pools
HPSS provides HPSS end clients the ability to direct tape read I/O requests to a predefined group of tape
drives referred to as a Drive Pool. This ability helps HPSS administrators manage tape drive scheduling
HPSS Management Guide November 2009
Release 7.3 (Revision 1.0) 218