
The Mover Device Information window reports the current statistics for the device, such as the workload
history of the device since the startup of the controlling Mover. The Mover Device Information window
can also be used to lock and unlock a mover device (note: locking the Mover device generally is not
helpful; see S7.1.1ctDevices and Drives Windowon : o202 page ). Additionally, it can be used to control
the I/O aspects of the device.
Changes to the Administrative State cause a confirmation window to pop up. If the user confirms the
request, modifications made to all fields on the window will be sent to the Mover and become effective
Field Descriptions
Device Name. The name by which the Mover accesses the device; usually the pathname of a UNIX
device special file (such as “/dev/rmt0”).
Device ID. The ID number unique to this device. The same ID number also refers to the corresponding
PVL drive.
Device Type. The HPSS media type which describes the physical device.
Media Block Size (disk only). The block size for the device.
Bytes on Device (disk only). The size of the disk device in bytes.
Starting Offset (disk only). The offset in bytes from the beginning of the disk logical volume at which
the Mover will begin using the volume. The space preceding the offset will not be used by HPSS.
Mover. The descriptive name of the Mover which controls the device.
Administrative State. This field allows you to modify the state of the device. Click on the option menu
button to pop up a list of valid states. These are:
Locked - Makes the device unavailable for HPSS requests.
Unlocked - Makes the device available for HPSS requests.
Mark Repaired - Tells the Mover to clear any error status for the device. This can be useful if you
think a problem has been fixed, but the Mover is unaware of it. This does not do anything, in
hardware or software, to fix a problem; it only clears error indicators.
Operational State. Indicates the device’s ability to handle HPSS requests. Possible values for this field
Enabled - The device is available for HPSS requests.
Disabled - The device is unavailable for HPSS requests, possibly caused by setting the “Locked”
Administrative State.
Usage State. Indicates the state of the Mover’s control over the device. Possible values for this field are:
Active - A Mover task currently has control of the device.
Idle - No Mover task is controlling the device.
Device Flags. This group of buttons defines various device characteristics. When a button is ON, it
HPSS Management Guide November 2009
Release 7.3 (Revision 1.0) 211