
1. Make sure the AMU archive management software is running and the hostname is resolved,
2. Select an OS/2 window from the Desktop and change the directory to C:\DAS,
C:> cd \das
3. At the prompt, type tcpstart and make sure that TCP/IP gets configured and that the port mapper
program is started,
C:\das> tcpstart
4. Type dasstart to start the DAS server
C:\das> dasstart
In most cases, a startup file like the following can be used to automatically start the DAS processor:
call tcpstart
das\tools\os2sleep 20
cd \das
tools\os2sleep 20
call dasstart
cd bin
start “DAS/2 AmuClient”
exit LTO PVR Specific Configuration LTO PVR Specific Configuration Window
Field Descriptions
Cartridge Capacity. The total number of cartridge slots in the library dedicated to this HPSS PVR.
This may or may not be the total cartridge capacity of the library; a site might use part of the library for
some other HPSS PVR or for some non-HPSS application. The PVR uses the Cartridge Capacity field
and the Cartridge Alarm Threshold field to determine when to send an alarm that the total cartridge
threshold has been exceeded.
Cartridge Alarm Threshold. The percentage of the Cartridge Capacity at which the PVR will send an
Same Job on Controller, Other Job on Controller, & Distance To Drive. These values are used by the
PVR when selecting a drive for a tape mount operation. The three values are essentially weights that are
used to compute an overall score for each possible drive. After the score has been calculated, the drive
with the lowest score is selected for the mount. If two or more drives tie for the lowest score, one drive is
selected at random. The score is calculated as follows:
HPSS Management Guide November 2009
Release 7.3 (Revision 1.0) 116