
# HPSS file systems rather than the local file system of the
# host executing the FTP Daemon. This is highly recommended!
banner <pathname/filename>
# Control for logging (sent to syslog()).
log [ commands ] [ anonymous ] [ { inbound } ]
[ transfers ] [ guest ] [ { outbound } ] [ real ] [debug]
# Set the maximum number of login attempts before closing the
# connection:
loginfails <login_failure_threshold>
# Determine the appropriate behavior when needed data must be staged.
# <stage-code> can have several values:
# -1 wait forever
# 0 do not wait (default) - inform user that data needs staging and
# exit
# >0 wait for n seconds - if staging takes more than n seconds, inform
# the user and exit
# note: This option requires that the relevant storage class be
# configured in a compatible way, or behavior may not be as
# expected. For example, setting wait_on_stage to -1 (wait forever)
# for a SC with no-stage set would make little sense.
wait_on_stage <stage-code>
# Define users as being guests (which means they cannot
# cd out of their own subdirectory).
guestgroup <group> [ <group> ... ]
# Deny access to a set of users, <addrglob> is full network address,
# including wildcarding, e.g., *.nsl.nersc.gov.
deny <addrglob> [ <msg_file> ]
# Send shutdown message to current FTP users.
shutdown <shutdown_info_pathname>
# Send message to users, possible on access to a directory.
message <pathname> [ <when> ]
# Display prompt to read a file, possible on access to a directory.
readme <pathname> [ <when> ]
# The <when> clauses may be either "login" (in which case the file
# is displayed when the user logs in) - Applicable only for anonymous
# or "cwd=[<directory_name> | *]",
# (in which case the file is displayed when the user changes to the
# named directory, with '*' wildcarding all directories).
# ONLY displays message on FIRST entrance. Directory MUST be full
HPSS Management Guide November 2009
Release 7.3 (Revision 1.0) 343