
storage class.
Triggered Migration Options. There are four choices for managing migration behavior when a storage
class is running out of space and the next migration isn’t yet scheduled to occur:
Migrate At Warning Threshold. A migration run should be started immediately when the
storage class warning threshold is exceeded.
Migrate At Critical Threshold. A migration run should be started immediately when the
storage class critical threshold is exceeded.
Migrate At Warning and Critical Thresholds. A migration run should be started immediately
when either the storage class warning or critical threshold is exceeded.
Migrate Only At Scheduled Intervals. Do not trigger unscheduled migrations when storage
class thresholds are exceeded.
Aggregate Files to Tape. When migrating multiple files from disk to tape, bundle them into tape
aggregates (this option is ignored for disk to disk migration):
Min Files in Aggregate. Minimum number of files that should be put in a single tape aggregate.
If there are less than this many files to migrate, they will be migrated at a later time.
Max Files in Aggregate. Maximum number of files that should be put in a single tape
aggregate. HPSS attempts to fill up a tape aggregate with this many files. If there aren't enough
candidate files, or some are ineligible, the aggregate will contain fewer files than this.
Max File Size in Aggregate. Maximum size of file that should be put into a tape aggregate.
Files larger than this will be migrated separately. Total aggregate size will not exceed this value
multiplied by the Max Files in Aggregate setting. Aggregates are also limited in size to a
maximum of 10% of the total estimated size of the destination tape virtual volume.
Optimize for Even File Family Migration. Select this option in order to evenly migrate files from all
file families with migrateable files. Otherwise, the MPS will migrate all files within a file family before
moving onward to the next file family. Tape Migration Policy Configuration
HPSS Management Guide November 2009
Release 7.3 (Revision 1.0) 185