
Would you like Multi-Host or Single-Host testing?
Enter one of the following followed by ENTER:
M Multi-host testing
S Single-host testing
X eXit this script
Enter choice: m
Would you like to define the server side or client side
for Multi-Host testing?
Enter one of the following followed by ENTER:
S Server side
C Client side
Enter choice: c
The Remote Host Name is the name of the server which
has the ACSLS software (or simulator) running on it.
Enter Remote Host Name (CSI_HOSTNAME): jeep
Is that host running a real ACSLS (or LibStation) server,
or a Simulated Test server (t_acslm)?
Enter one of the following followed by ENTER:
R Real ACSLS or LibStation Server
S Simulated Test Server
Enter choice: r
The Remote Host Version number is the ACSLS Packet
Version level which the server is expecting.
Here are the valid choices:
ACSLS Release Number Remote Host Version Number
3.x 2
4.x 3
5.x, 6.x 4
Enter Remote Host Version (ACSAPI_PACKET_VERSION): 4
Starting /opt/hpss/stk/bin/mini_el...
Attempting startup of /opt/hpss/bin/mini_el ...
Starting /opt/hpss/bin/ssi...
Attempting startup of PARENT for /opt/hpss/bin/ssi...
SIGHUP received Parent Process ID is: 17290
Attempting startup of /opt/hpss/bin/ssi...
SIGHUP received Parent Process #17290 EXITING NORMALLY
Initialization Done.
Do you want to see the processes created? (Y or N): y
17288 p4 S 0:00 /opt/hpss/stk/bin/mini_el
17292 p4 S 0:00 /opt/hpss/stk/bin/ssi 17290 50004 23
17295 p4 S 0:00 grep /opt/hpss/stk/bin
Do you want to start up t_cdriver? (Y or N): n
5.1.1. Deleting a Server Configuration
A server’s configuration can be removed when the server is no longer needed. However, care should be
taken to ensure that all objects created by the server are deleted properly and that all references to the
HPSS Management Guide November 2009
Release 7.3 (Revision 1.0) 123