
Section 5.1.3: Mover Specific Configuration on page 102
Section 5.1.1: Physical Volume Repository (PVR) Specific Configuration on page 109
Details about all of the other sections on this window, which apply to all server types, are
described in Section 5.1.1: Common Server Configuration.
To view the Server Configuration window for an existing server, bring up the Servers list window and
select the desired server. Then click the Configure button to bring up the configuration window for that
To modify a server configuration, bring up the server's configuration window, modify the desired fields,
and click the Update button. Some configuration fields may be set by the administrator only at server
creation time. These fields will be editable/settable when creating new servers, but will become display-
only fields (not editable or settable) when looking at existing configurations. For the modified
configuration data to be recognized by the server, the server must be reinitialized (if supported) or
There are two ways to create a new server:
1. To create a new server using standard defaults as a starting point, open the Servers list
window, click Create New and select a server type. This opens a Server Configuration
window with default values for the selected server type. Make the desired customizations to
the window and click the Add button.
2. To create a new server that has attributes similar to those of an existing server, select the
existing server, click Configure and then select Clone (partial). This opens a Server
Configuration window with some default values copied from the existing server. Make the
desired customizations to the window and click the Add button.
There are two ways to delete a server. Before deleting a server, see the warnings and considerations in
Section 5.1.1: Deleting a Server Configuration on page 123. Then, to delete the server:
1. From the Servers list window, select the server and click the Delete button, or
2. Bring up the Server Configuration window and click the Delete button.
In both cases you will be prompted to confirm the deletion of the server.
5.1.1. Common Server Configuration
These sections of the Server Configuration window are common to all servers. Basic Controls
The Basic Controls section of the Server Configuration window is common to all servers. In the example
window above, the server displayed is a Core Server.
HPSS Management Guide November 2009
Release 7.3 (Revision 1.0) 89