logo Add a Kerberos User ID
The hpssuser utility invokes the kadmin utility to create the KRB principal and account. This can be
done using both keytab and password by specifying the -krbkeytab option.
Invoke the hpssuser utility as follows to add a KRB User ID using a keytab and password:
hpssuser -add <user> -krb [-krbkeytab <path>]
The utility will prompt the user for the required data. Following is an example of adding a KRB User ID
using keytab and password:
# hpssuser -add user1 -krb -krbkeytab user1.krb.keytab
[ adding kerberos principal ]
[ KADMIN_PRINC unset; using kadmin.local for Kerberos ops ]
Enter Kerberos password for user1: ******
Re-enter password to verify: ******
[ adding kerberos keytab entry to 'user1.krb.keytab' ]
[ added kerberos keytab entry to 'user1.krb.keytab' ]
[ added kerberos principal ] Add an LDAP User ID
Invoke the hpssuser utility as follows to add an LDAP User ID:
hpssuser -add <user> -ldap
The utility will prompt the user for the required data. Following is an example of adding an LDAP User
# hpssuser -add user1 -ldap
[ adding ldap principal ]
User ID#: 300
HPSS home directory: /home/user1
Primary group ID# 210
Enter LDAP password: ******
Re-enter password to verify: ******
[ ldap user added ] Add an FTP User ID
The hpssuser utility adds a password entry in the FTP Password file and creates the user’s home
directory in HPSS. Note that if FTP is configured to use the UNIX password file, then a UNIX user will
be added.
Invoke the hpssuser utility as follows to create an FTP User ID:
hpssuser -add <user> -ftp
The utility will prompt the user for the required data. Following is an example of adding an FTP User ID
on a system configured to use a separate password file FTP than for UNIX:
HPSS Management Guide November 2009
Release 7.3 (Revision 1.0) 327