
HPSSGUI_USER_CFG_PATH or the configuration file entry HPSS_SSM_USER_PREF_PATH. If this
option is not specified, the default value is <client node>:<user.home>/hpss-ssm-prefs. The user must
have permissions to create the preferences file in the directory.
Preferences windows contain filters for controlling the data displayed in the list window. Columns in the
list window can be rearranged and resized by dragging columns and column borders on the list window
itself. Data in the list can be sorted ascending or descending based on any column in the list by clicking
in that column's header. Such changes are kept up to date in the preferences file transparent to the user,
without the need to click on a Save button.
Columns can be hidden or redisplayed through the Column View menu on each list window.
The Tape Mount Requests and Tape Check-In Requests windows have Auto Popup checkboxes. The
states of these checkboxes, as well as those in the View Menu of the HPSS Health and Status window are
stored in the preferences file transparent to the user.
If a user's preferences file becomes obsolete, the current version of the user interface software will
convert the old preferences to the current format.
Checkbox Filters
Checkbox filters apply to columns that have a limited set of display values. The checkbox filters are
grouped by column name and contain a checkbox for each allowed value. If the checkbox is selected then
all rows containing the value will be displayed on the corresponding SSM list window. At least one
checkbox filter must be selected in each group.
Text Filters
Columns that can be filtered by their text content are listed in the Text Filters section of the preference
window. Users can control which rows are displayed by entering a Java regular expression into one or
more of the Text Filter fields. If the Text Filter field is blank then no filtering on the field will occur.
The preference window will verify that the text entered is a valid Java regular expression before allowing
the user to save the preferences.
For example, if the list contains storage class names as follows
entering a Java regular expression of “.*4-way.*” would result in the “Sclass_Disk” entry to be filtered
out of the display.
For a complete description on how to use regular expressions in Java, please refer to the following web
page; http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.5.0/docs/api/java/util/regex/Pattern.html.
Button Options
Save as ... Save the current preference settings to a new named preference. A popup window will be
displayed so that the new name can be entered.
HPSS Management Guide November 2009
Release 7.3 (Revision 1.0) 70