
hpss_unix_user - Manages HPSS UNIX password file.
hpss_managetables – Creates, deletes and modifies databases, database tablespaces, tables,
views and constraints. This program is normally used by mkhpss. It should be used by hand only
by extremely knowledgeable administrators. This program can destroy database tables.
xmladdindex – Creates an XML index.
xmldeleteindex – Deletes an XML index.
schema_registrar – Registers an XML schema with the database.
hpsssum – Checksums HPSS or local files
16.1.5. User Interfaces
pftp_client – Used to perform parallel file transfers between a local and remote host.
16.1.6. Testing/Debugging
scrub - A general-purpose HPSS shell; a driver for the Client API library. It can be used to
perform various data operations, such as reading and writing undifferentiated data, migrating and
purging specific files, and browsing the HPSS namespace. Scrub also supports doing some simple
operations with User-defined Attributes. It does not transfer external files into or out of HPSS.
16.1.7. Unsupported Tools
Tools in this category are not formally supported. They are provided as-is and are found in the
tools/unsupported portion of the HPSS source tree.
disk_allocation_stat – Calculates and displays statistics on disk usage and fragmentation for disk
storage classes.
ftp – (DIS
COM PFTP Daemon) This is a portable version of a standard UNIX FTP daemon
which supports the HPSS Parallel FTP protocols. By replacing the System FTP Daemon and
configuring the DIS
COM Daemon, significant improvements can be made in moving data
between two UNIX-based systems. Both a Kerberized version and a non-Kerberized version are
available for a number of hardware/software platforms. The HPSS Parallel FTP Client should be
used to talk to this server. Do not confuse this with the HPSS FTP daemon.
hpssstats - Reports HPSS statistics.
Load tools - These utilities reside in tools/unsupported/src/load. Each tool allows the manual
loading, editing and deletion of one or more metadata records.
magic - Allows direct manipulation of namespace objects.
nsde - Displays and edits Name Service database tables.
PVrr – Displays the number of PV retrieval requests that have been made on a volume.
removesegs – Searches for and removes storage segments that are not pointed to by any bitfile
metadata. It works for both disk and tape storage segments. It requires at least two separate
searches of the bitfile metadata over a period of time before it will remove orphaned segments. It
HPSS Management Guide November 2009
Release 7.3 (Revision 1.0) 370