
Field Descriptions
Storage Class Name. The name assigned to this storage class.
Storage Class ID. The numeric ID of this storage class.
Storage Class Type. The class of media assigned to this storage class (tape or disk).
Subsystem Name. The name of the storage subsystem for which the storage class information is being
Total Space. For disk storage classes this reports the total capacity of the storage class in bytes.
Free Space. For disk storage classes this reports the unused capacity of the storage class in bytes.
Space Used. The percent of storage space in the storage class which is used. This is calculated from
Total Space and Free Space and reported as a percentage.
Warning Threshold. For disk storage classes, this value is a percentage of total storage space. When the
used space in this storage class exceeds this percent of the total space, the MPS will send a warning
HPSS Management Guide November 2009
Release 7.3 (Revision 1.0) 253