
GroupId. The Group ID of the user associated with this request.
HostAddr. The address of the originating host
RequestType. The type of this request (Open, Create or Stage).
Oflag. The Open flags associated with this file open request.
StageFlags. Flags associated with this file stage operation.
StageLength. The number of bytes to stage.
StageOffset. The offset of the file where the stage is to begin.
StageStorageLevel. The Storage Class level that the file will be staged to.
UserId. The ID of the user associated with this request.
WaitTime. The length of time this request has been waiting.
5.2. Starting HPSS
This section describes how to start and stop HPSS servers and prerequisite software.
5.2.1. Starting HPSS Prerequisite Software
Invoke the /opt/hpss/bin/rc.hpss script as root to start the HPSS prerequisite software such as DB2,
Kerberos and LDAP. By default, stdout and stderr from commands started by rc.hpss are not
manipulated. Specifying the "-o" option to rc.hpss will cause stdout and stderr of commands invoked
within the script to be sent to /dev/console, the terminal window where rc.hpss is running. When using
the "-o" option, one should ensure that the HPSSLOG environment variable is not set to "stdout" in the
env.conf file since this is likely to severely degrade HPSS' performance.
To start the prerequisite software, use the ā€œ-pā€ option to rc.hpss:
% su -
% /opt/hpss/bin/rc.hpss -p [start]
5.2.2. Starting HPSS Servers
Most HPSS servers are started via SSM which calls an appropriate Startup Daemon to begin execution of
the selected HPSS server. This means that SSM and the Startup Daemons must be started in a different
way. This section covers how to start the Startup Daemons, how to start SSM, and how to start the other
HPSS servers once SSM and the Startup Daemons are up and running. Starting the Startup Daemons
Invoke the /opt/hpss/bin/rc.hpss script as root to start the HPSS Startup Daemon. By default, both stdout
and stderr are not redirected to /dev/console since this can have a negative impact on performance.
Specifying the ā€œ-oā€ option will cause this redirection of output.
If server output is to be redirected to /dev/console, ensure that the HPSSLOG variable in the env.conf file
is not set to stdout since this combination may severely degrade the HPSS performance.
HPSS Management Guide November 2009
Release 7.3 (Revision 1.0) 149