| EQQCL4DW External predecessor(s) found, status cannot be changed
| Explanation: OCL tried to set an operation to Ready status, but external predecessors are defined. OCL will delete
| the dependency definitions and will try to set the operation Ready again.
| System action: OCL processing continues.
| User response: None.
| EQQCL4EW Occurrence
is still in Waiting status
| Explanation: OCL tried to force the application occurrence to start, but it is still in Waiting status.
| System action: OCL processing continues.
| User response: Verify the conditions that cause the occurrence to wait. Check the current operation status and
| extended status, using the OPC dialogs, to determine more precisely why the application occurrence failed to start.
| EQQCL4FW No operation found to be changed
| Explanation: OCL tried to change the jobname associated with an operation in the current plan, but the operation
| was not found.
| System action: OCL processing continues.
| User response: Verify that the selection parameters are correct.
| EQQCL4GW Predecessor application not found in CP: PREAPPL(
| Explanation:
is the predecessor application ID and
is the input arrival date and time of the
| predecessor application. OCL tried to define
as a predecessor of the application occurrence specified in the
| APPL() keyword, but
is not present in the current plan.
| System action: OCL processing continues.
| User response: Verify that the selection parameters are correct.
| EQQCL4HW Operation
doesn't exists
| Explanation: OCL tried to change or delete an operation that does not exist in the current plan.
| System action: OCL processing continues.
| User response: Verify that the specified keywords are correct.
| EQQCL4IW Already predecessor:
| Explanation: OCL tried to define a predecessor that is already defined.
| System action: OCL processing continues.
| User response: Verify that the specified keywords are correct.
| EQQCL4JW Predecessor not found in the LTP: PREAPPL(
| Explanation: OCL tried to define
as a predecessor of the application occurrence specified in the APPL()
| keyword, but
is not present in the long term plan.
| System action: OCL processing continues.
| User response: Verify the selection parameters.
Chapter 5. EQQCLnnn Messages 49