Meaning (reason for failure) Related
113 The calendar description identifier referred to by the application description record does
not exist in the database.
114 The owner ID contains lower case characters. EQQX397
115 An application or job description which specifies a group definition cannot contain a run
116 Priority cannot be specified for a group definition. EQQA510
117 Group definitions cannot contain operations. EQQA500
118 Calendar cannot be specified for an application in a group. EQQA511
119 Group definition cannot belong to another group. EQQA503
120 The valid-from time is invalid. EQQX327
122 Validity periods of temporary OI's must not overlap. EQQK002
200 The run cycle period cannot be found. EQQX329
201 The positive run day offset is not blank or numeric. It must be blank or 1 to 999. EQQX330
202 The negative run day offset is not blank or numeric. It must be blank or 1 to 999. EQQX376
203 The free day rule specification is invalid. A valid specification is E for free days
excluded; 1 for run on the closest work day before the free day; 2 for run on the closest
work day after the free day; 3 for run on the free day; or 4 for do not run at all.
204 The run cycle valid-from date is invalid or missing. EQQX381
205 The run cycle valid-to date is invalid or missing. EQQX375
206 The negative run cycle indicator is not blank or N. It must be either blank or N. EQQX332
207 The input arrival time is invalid. EQQX333
208 The relative deadline day is not numeric. It must be a number from 0 through 99. EQQX334
209 The deadline time is invalid. EQQX335
210 The run cycle section contains invalid characters. EQQX336
211 Duplicate positive run day offsets found in a run cycle. EQQX398
212 The variable table is not defined in the database. EQQX418
213 No offsets have been defined for a run cycle. EQQX436
214 Negative runday fields contain embedded blanks. EQQX437
215 The rule name has already been specified as a run cycle for the AD. EQQA522
216 The specified rule name is not defined. EQQA520
301 The workstation description does not exist in the workstation description database. EQQX337
302 The operation number is invalid. It must be a number from 1–99. EQQX338
303 The duration time of the operation is invalid. It must be from 00.00 to 99.59. EQQX339
304 The smoothing factor is invalid. It must be a number from 0 through 999. EQQX340
305 The feedback limit is invalid. A valid feedback limit is a number from 100 through 999. EQQX341
306 The automatic error completion code is invalid. EQQX342
307 The job name is invalid. EQQX343
308 The operation input arrival relative day is invalid. EQQX344
309 The operation input arrival time is invalid. EQQX345
310 The operation deadline relative day is invalid. EQQX346
482 TME 10 OPC Messages and Codes