
Explanation: The control block
, contains an error at offset:
System action: If this is a request to the program interface function, the request is rejected and control is returned
with the return code set to error.
Problem determination: The diagnostics file (ddname EQQDUMP) contains a dump of the failing control block.
The reason code
can have the following values:
800 The length specified for the modify current plan control block area is invalid. It is not large enough for the
MT0 (modify occurrence or workstation) and MTD (details) control blocks.
801 The control block identifier is invalid.
802 The control block version is invalid.
803 The request type is not a valid MT0TYPE request.
810 The application ID is invalid, format is EBCDIC.
811 The application ID is invalid, format is DBCS.
812 The actual input arrival date is not a valid date.
813 The actual input arrival time is not a valid time.
814 The original input arrival date is not a valid date.
815 The original input arrival time is not a valid time.
816 The deadline date is not a valid date.
817 The deadline time is not a valid time.
818 The priority is invalid, it must be a character in the range 1–9.
819 The authority group is not a valid name.
820 The owner ID is invalid, format is EBCDIC.
821 The owner ID is invalid, format is DBCS.
822 The owner ID is required but missing.
823 Either both the input arrivals (actual input arrival and original input arrival) and the deadline must be left out,
or all three dates and times must be set.
824 The input arrival time is missing, it is required for all requests except for the ADD OCCURRENCE request.
831 The workstation name is invalid.
832 The workstation reporting attribute is invalid.
851 The details request type is not a valid MTDTYPE request.
852 The operation number in a details request is invalid; it must be 1–99.
861 The job name is not a valid name.
862 The workstation name is not a valid name.
866 The resource usage is invalid; it must be S or X.
867 The resource Keep On Error is invalid; it must be Y, N or blank.
868 The resource Quantity is invalid; it must be 0–999,999.
871 The job name in change options is not a valid name.
872 The operation status is not a valid status code.
875 The operation input arrival date is not a valid date.
876 The operation input arrival time is not a valid time.
877 The operation deadline date is not a valid date.
878 The operation deadline time is not a valid time.
388 TME 10 OPC Messages and Codes