v Bridging was not already active.
v NetBIOS filters are defined on the spare interface.
v The spare interface caused a change to the bridge personality or
behavior (for example, adding SR port to pure TB bridge or SR-TB
conversion enabled).
IP Use the reset IP command to bring configuration changes online for
access-controls and packet-filters.
WAN Restoral/
WAN Reroute
The spare interface cannot be activated if any of the following conditions
v The spare interface is configured as a WRS primary, and its configured
WRS secondary is already a WRS primary or WRR primary or WRR
v The spare interface is configured as a WRS primary, and its configured
WRS secondary is already actively restoring some other WRS primary.
v The spare interface is configured as a WRS secondary, and its
configured WRS primary is already a WRS secondary or WRR primary or
WRR alternate.
v The spare interface is configured as a WRS secondary, and its
configured WRS primary is already actively being restored by some other
WRS secondary.
v The spare interface is configured as a WRR primary, and its configured
WRR alternate is already a WRS primary or WRS secondary or WRR
primary or WRR alternate.
v The spare interface is configured as a WRR alternate, and its configured
WRR primary is already a WRS primary or WRS secondary or WRR
v The spare interface is configured as a WRR alternate, and its configured
WRR primary is already actively being rerouted by some other WRR
Resetting Interfaces
Occasionally, you might need to change the configuration of a network interface
along with its bridging and routing protocols without restarting the device. The reset
command allows you to disable a network interface and then enable it using new
interface, bridging and routing configuration parameters.
The interface, protocols and features configuration parameters are changed using
the CONFIG process (talk 6) commands. The talk 6 commands affect the contents
of the configuration memory. The configuration changes are activated by issuing the
GWCON process (talk 5) reset command.
To reset an interface:
1. Access the CONFIG process (talk 6).
2. Use the net command and other commands to change configuration
3. Use the protocol and feature commands to change the interface-based
configuration parameters.
4. Exit the CONFIG process by pressing Ctrl-P.
5. Access the GWCON process (talk 5).
Using the CONFIG (Talk 6) Process
Chapter 5. The Configuration Process (CONFIG - Talk 6) and Commands 47