ELS Message Buffering Monitoring Commands
Table 25 describes the commands available at the ELS Config Advanced> prompt.
Table 25. ELS Message Buffering Monitoring Commands
Command Function
? (Help) Displays all the commands available for this command level or lists
the options for specific commands (if available). See “Getting Help”
on page 10.
Flush Clears the message buffer and turns off logging to the message
List Displays the operational settings for message buffering.
Log Enables logging of selected messages to the message buffer.
Nolog Turns off logging of selected messages to the message buffer.
Set Sets the size of the message buffer, the wrapping mode, whether
logging occurs, which event will end message buffering, and what
the system does when message buffering is stopped by an event.
Tftp Sends the ELS message buffer to a file at a remote host.
View Displays all or a specific number of messages in the message
buffer. You can also control how the messages scroll off the screen.
Exit Returns you to the previous command level. See “Exiting a Lower
Level Environment” on page 11.
Use the flush command to set logging off, clear the messages from the buffer, and
release the buffer memory for other use by the system.
Use the list command to list the ELS message buffering configuration.
ELS Advanced> list status
Logging Status: OFF Wrap Mode: ON Logging Buffer Size: 8500 Kytes
Stop-Event: APPN.2 Stop-String: netdn for intf 6
Additional Stop-Action: APPN DUMP
------------------------------------Run-Time Status------------------------------
Has Stop Condition Occurred ? YES Messages currently in buffer: 1222
See “Set” on page 212 for a description of the commands that change the values in
the display.
Use the log command to select which messages will be logged to the message
ELS Monitoring Commands (Talk 5)
MRS V3.2 Software User’s Guide