Multi-Chassis MP
An MP bundle with a Layer 2 Tunnel that contains a phone hunt group that spans
multiple physical Network Access Servers is known as a
multi-chassis MP.
Multi-chassis MP uses rhelm or user-based tunneling (see “Using Local or Remote
Authentication” in
Using and Configuring Features
) to establish the MP endpoint
destination. See “Using Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol (L2TP)” in
Using and
Configuring Features
for more information about L2TP.
Configuring a Multilink PPP Interface
Configuring an MP interface depends on the type of interface used in the MP
bundle. The following sections contain examples of the various configurations.
After configuring the MP interface, you may configure bandwidth-on-demand (BOD).
The following example configures BOD on existing MP interface 17:
Config> net 17
MP config: 17> enable bod
Enable BAP? [N]
MP config: 17> set bandwidth-on-demand parameters
Add bandwidth % [90]:
Drop bandwidth % [70]:
Bandwidth test interval (sec) [15]
MP config: 17>
Configuring MP on PPP Dial Circuits
This section shows how to configure a Multilink PPP interface by using an example
that configures Multilink PPP with two ISDN dial circuits.
1. Add the two dial circuits and the multilink PPP interface.
Config>add dev dial-circuit
Adding device as interface 7
Defaulting Data-link protocol to PPP
Use "net 7" command to configure circuit parameters
Config>add dev dial-circuit
Adding device as interface 8
Defaulting Data-link protocol to PPP
Use "net 8" command to configure circuit parameters
Config>add dev multilink-ppp
Enter the number of multilink PPP interfaces [1]?
Adding device as interface 9
Defaulting Data-link protocol to PPP
Use "net intf" command to configure circuit parameters
2. Configure each PPP dial circuit. (See “Chapter 47. Configuring and Monitoring
Dial Circuits” on page 643.) In this example, the destination, call direction, and
LIDs are set for one of the dial circuits.
Config>net 7
Circuit configuration
Circuit config: 7>set dest out
Circuit config: 7>set calls outbound
Circuit config: 7>set net 6
Circuit config: 7>
3. Enable MP on each dial circuit to be used for MP as follows:
Circuit config: 7>encapsulator
Point-to-Point user configuration
PPP 7 Config>enable mp
Using MP
Chapter 34. Using the Multilink PPP Protocol 511