
source routing-transparent bridge
STA static
STB spanning tree bridge
STE spanning tree explorer
STP shielded twisted pair; spanning tree protocol
SVC switched virtual circuit
TB transparent bridge
TCN topology change notification
TCP Transmission Control Protocol
Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol
TEI terminal point identifier
TFTP Trivial File Transfer Protocol
TKR token ring
TMO timeout
TOS type of service
TSF transparent spanning frames
TTL time to live
TTY teletypewriter
TX transmit
UA unnumbered acknowledgment
UDP User Datagram Protocol
UI unnumbered information
UTP unshielded twisted pair
VCC Virtual Channel Connection
VINES VIrtual NEtworking System
VIR variable information rate
VL virtual link
VNI Virtual Network Interface
VR virtual route
WAN wide area network
WRS WAN restoral/reroute
X.25 packet-switched networks
X.251 X.25 physical layer
X.252 X.25 frame layer
X.253 X.25 packet layer
XID exchange identification
688 MRS V3.2 Software User’s Guide