
Packets: 31035 46550
Octets: 1614885 2421137
Compressed Octets: 931416 1521039
Incompressible Packets: 0 0
Discarded Packets: 0 0
Copied Packets: 1 0
Prot Rejects: 0 -
Compressor (transmit) statistics:
Recent compression ratio: 1.7:1
Decompressor (receive) statistics:
Recent compression ratio: 1.7:1
These counters indicate the number of compressed datagrams sent
and received. On the output side, the count includes only those
packets that were actually sent as PPP compressed datagrams; it
does not include packets that were found to be incompressible and
sent in their original uncompressed form.
These counters count the packets sent or received that had the
PPP protocol type of X'00FD' (CDP). When STAC extended mode
or MPPC has been negotiated, incompressible packets may be
encapsulated in CDP datagrams. This encapsulation would include
the incompressible packets in these counts.
These counters indicate the number of bytes effectively transmitted
or received in compressed form. These counts reflect the lengths of
the original datagrams before compression or after decompression.
Compressed octets
These counters indicate the number of bytes for all of the
compressed datagrams sent and received. These counts are the
lengths of the actual CDP packets after compression or before
Incompressible packets
These counters indicate the number of packets that were
incompressible and therefore sent in original uncompressed form.
Discarded packets
These counters indicate how many packets were discarded
because they could not be successfully decompressed. Typically
these packets will be packets that the peer was transmitting just
after the router has sent a Reset-Request, but before the peer has
received and processed the Reset-Request. Packets are also
dropped if the router detects that data in the packets is incorrect.
An example of incorrect data is a packet that contains a bad
sequence number.
If the number of discarded packets increases too rapidly, then
packets are being lost or corrupted on the line, probably due to
noise on the line, and the link performance may be degraded.
Protocol rejects
This counter indicates the number of Protocol-Rejects of CDP
packets that have been received from a peer. This count should be
zero, because the link will not send CDP packets if the use of
compression has not already been negotiated.
Compression ratios
The ratios give an approximate indication of the effectiveness of the
compressor and decompressor. These ratios are based on the
number of plain-text bytes divided by the number of corresponding
Monitoring PPP Interfaces (Talk 5)
Chapter 33. Configuring and Monitoring Point-to-Point Protocol Interfaces 501