Remote Peer Class: 0
Remote Peer Version Major: 0
Remote Peer Version Minor: 0
Definitions of Terms in the List Control NBFCP Example
The NBFCP State fields are the same as those described under the list
control lcp command.
Local MAC Address
The Local MAC Address is the MAC Address that is used by the
Win 95/NT Dial-Up Networking client. It is a pseudo-random
number, or a Locally Administered Address (LAA), if you configured
an LAA in the client.
Remote MAC Address
The Remote MAC Address is the MAC Address that the 2210
DIALs Server has assigned to this client for use on the LAN.
Remote NetBIOS Name
The list of NetBIOS names of LAN resources to which the client
has requested access.
Remote Peer
The Remote Peer Class, Version Major, and Version Minor is the
information passed back to the 2210 by the NBFCP Peer
Information option.
Example of the List Control IPCP Command
list control ipcp
IPCP State: Listen
Previous State: Closed
Time Since Change: 1 hour, 57 minutes and 52 seconds
IPCP Option Local Remote
----------- ----- ------
IP Address
Compression Slots None None
Lease Server:
Leased IP Address:
Lease Time: 4 minutes and 0 seconds
Renewal Time: 2 minutes and 0 seconds
Rebind Time: 3 minutes and 30 seconds
Lease Time Elapsed: 1 second
Lease Time Remaining: 3 minutes and 59 seconds
DHCP Client ID: 0100120B0000
Definitions of Terms in the List Control IPCP Example
The IPCP state fields are the same as those described under the list
control lcp command.
IP Address:
Indicates if this interface’s IP address (Local) and the negotiated
address of the remote (Remote), if any.
Compression Slots
Indicates the number of IP headers saved for referential purposes
when determining the type of compression that is enabled.
Monitoring PPP Interfaces (Talk 5)
Chapter 33. Configuring and Monitoring Point-to-Point Protocol Interfaces 491