
Figure 2 is an example of the relationship between the various process levels.
Note: Also shown in Figure 2 are the various commands to access each process
level and return from each process level.
See “Chapter 3. The OPCON Process” on page 25 for more information about
OPCON, and “Config-Only Mode” on page 41 for more information about
The ROPCON process handles processing from remote consoles and is essentially
the same as the OPCON process.
Quick Configuration Process
Quick Configuration, or Quick Config, allows you to quickly configure portions of the
router without dealing with the specific operating system commands. When you
initially load or restart the router with no configuration, you enter Config-Only and
you can access Quick Config menus from that process. If the router has devices
configured and the devices do not have any protocols configured, the router
automatically starts Config-Only and then enters Quick Config.
You can also enter Quick Config from the CONFIG process using the qconfig
System Security
Multiple users with login permissions can be added using the add user command.
See “Configuring User Access” on page 44 for details on security issues and for
information on the set password and add user commands.
First ┌───────────────────│OPCON│───────────────────┐
Level *
┌──────────┘  └─────────┐
Talk 5 Talk 6
┌───────┐ ┌───────┐
Second │GWCON ctrl-p │CONFIG │
Level │process├───────┴───────┤process│
└──┬────┘ └────┬──┘
││ ││
Prot 0 Prot 0
││ ││
││ ││
││ ││
││ ││
ctrl-p ctrl-p
Third ┌─────┐│ │┌──────────┐
Level └───────┤IP> │Exit Exit│IP Config>├──┘
└─────┘ └──────────┘
Figure 2. Relationship of Processes and Commands
8 MRS V3.2 Software User’s Guide