
Lists the LEC configuration.
For Ethernet:
IBM LEC+ list config
ATM IBM LEC Configuration
Physical ATM interface number = 0
LEC interface number = 7
Primary ATM address
ESI address = Use burned in addr
Selector byte = 0x3
Emulated LAN type = Ethernet IBM
Maximum frame size = 1523
LE Client MAC address = Use burned in addr
LE Server ATM address =
Forward Peak Rate = 25000
Backward Peak Rate = 25000
MAC cache size = 32
MAC cache aging period = 60
Route Descriptor cache size = 32
Route Descriptor aging period = 60
LES Registration interval = 60
LES Registration retry count = 3
LES keep alive count = 10
Packet trace = No
IP Encapsulation = ETHER
For Token Ring:
IBM LEC+list config
ATM IBM LEC Configuration
Physical ATM interface number = 0
LEC interface number = 10
Primary ATM address
ESI address = Use burned in addr
Selector byte = 0x6
Emulated LAN type = Token Ring IBM
Maximum frame size = 4551
LE Client MAC address = Use burned in addr
LE Server ATM address =
Forward Peak Rate = 25000
Backward Peak Rate = 25000
MAC cache size = 32
MAC cache aging period = 60
Route Descriptor cache size = 32
Route Descriptor aging period = 60
LES Registration interval = 60
LES Registration retry count = 3
LES keep alive count = 10
Packet trace = No
RIF Aging Timer = 120
Source Routing = Enabled
LEC+ list config
Physical ATM interface number = 0
LEC interface number = 9
LEC ATM address =
LEC MAC address =
lecConfigMode = Manual
lecConfigLanType = 802.5 - Token Ring
lecConfigMaxDataFrameSize = 4544
lecConfigLanName =
lecConfigLesAtmAddress =
lecControlTimeout = 30
lecMaxUnknownFrameCount = 10
lecMaxUnknownFrameTime = 1
lecVccTimeoutPeriod = 1200
lecMaxRetryCount = 1
lecAgingTime = 300
lecForwardDelayTime = 15
lecExpectedArpResponseTime = 1
lecFlushTimeout = 4
lecPathSwitchingDelay = 6
lecLocalSegmentId = 0x0
Configuring Forum LE Clients
Chapter 24. Configuring and Monitoring LAN Emulation Clients 311