
ELS configuration commands
notrace 174
notrap 174
remote 175
set 177
summary of 167
trace 203
trap 181
ELS configuration environment
entering and exiting 167
ELS console environment
2210 remote logging
configuration 157
defined 155
remote logging 155
remote workstation
configuration 155
syslog facility
defined 155
ELS messages 150
enabling logging to a remote file (Remote) 175, 195
explanation 150
groups 151
logging level 149
managing rotation 152
network information 151
suppressing display of 172
suppressing display of (nodisplay) 192
suppressing remote log (noremote) 172, 193
suppressing tracing 194
suppressing trapping 174, 194
suppressing trapping of (notrap) 194
trace 180
tracing 203
trapping 181, 204
ELS monitoring commands
advanced 188
clear 188
display 189
files 189
filter 190
list 190
message buffering 210
flush 210
list 210
log 210
nolog 211
set 212
tftp 213
view 213
nodisplay 192
noremote 193
notrace 194
notrap 194
remote 195
remove 197
restore 197
retrieve 197
save 198
set 198
ELS monitoring commands
statistics 201
summary 188
trap 204
view 204
ELS net filter configuration commands
create 182
delete 183
disable 183
enable 183
list 184
overview 181
ELS net filter monitoring commands
create 208
delete 209
disable 209
enable 209
list 209
overview 207
ELS operating environment
entering and exiting 187
ATM configuration command 284
authentication protocols 467
Boot CONFIG command 101
BSC Relay configuration command 571
BSC Relay monitoring command 576
CHAP 467
CONFIG command 64
data compression 467
ELS net filter configuration commands 183
ELS net filter monitoring commands 209
Frame Relay configuration command 415
Frame Relay monitoring command 433
ISDN configuration command 628
Lower DTR 467
multilink protocol 467
PAP 467
performance configuration command 216
performance monitoring command 218
SDLC configuration command 541
SDLC monitoring command 551
SDLC Relay configuration command 528
SDLC Relay monitoring command 533
X.25 configuration command 332
XTP configuration command 380
enable lmi 431
enabling/disabling BOOTP forwarding 85
enabling memory dump 101
encapsulation type 666
dial circuit configuration command 644
configuring 482
end system identifier 257
commands 66
list 66
set 67
CONFIG command 66
GWCON command 133
720 MRS V3.2 Software User’s Guide