
Chapter 40. Configuring and Monitoring BSC Relay
This chapter describes the binary synchronous communications (BSC) Relay
configuration and operational commands. It also includes a procedure for
configuring a BSC interface.
The chapter includes the following sections:
v “Basic Configuration Procedure”
v “BSC Relay Configuration Commands”
v “BSC Relay Monitoring Commands” on page 575
v “BSC Relay Interfaces and the GWCON Interface Command” on page 578
Basic Configuration Procedure
This section outlines a procedure to configure a BSC interface and the BSC Relay
protocol. Refer to the configuration commands that are described in this chapter for
further configuration information and explanation.
To configure a BSC relay interface and run BRLY over that interface:
1. Configure an interface as a BSC interface.
a. Enter set data-link bsc at the Config> prompt.
b. Enter the interface number when prompted.
c. Access the BSC interface configuration prompt:
Config>network 2
BSC interface user configuration
BSC 2 Config>
d. Display the current interface settings using the list command and change, if
necessary, using the set command.
e. Repeat until you have configured all of the BSC interfaces you need.
2. Configure the BRLY protocol.
a. Access the BRLY protocol.
Config>protocol brly
BSC Relay protocol user configuration
BSC Relay config>
b. Add a group using the add group command.
c. Add a local port using the add local-port command.
d. Add a remote port using the add remote-port command. This identifies the
port that is directly connected to the remote side of the serial line and
specifies the IP address for the connection.
e. Repeat steps 2.b through 2.d until you have configured all of the groups,
local ports, and remote ports needed.
BSC Relay Configuration Commands
This section describes the BSC Relay configuration commands. This chapter
describes both network and protocol parameters for BSC relay.
The BSC Relay configuration commands allow you to specify router parameters for
interfaces that transmit BSC Relay frames. Restart the router to activate the
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