EasyStart> EZ.001: Starting.
EZ.007: Waiting up to 6 seconds for devices to pass self-test.
stop EZ.006: All dlinks/parameters tried but failed; resetting to def values.
EZ.009: *** Restarting Router ***
No Protocols Configured. Entering Quick Config
Router Quick Configuration for the following:
o Interfaces
o Bridging
Spanning Tree Bridge (STB)
Source Routing Bridge (SRB)
Source Routing/Transparent Bridge (SR/TB)
Source Routing Transparent Bridge (SRT)
o Protocols
IP (including OSPF, RIP and SNMP)
o Booting
Event Logging will be enabled for all configured subsystems
with logging level 'Standard'
Interface Configuration
Type 'Yes' to Configure Interfaces
Type 'No' to skip Interface Configuration
Type 'Quit' to exit Quick Config Configure Interfaces? (Yes, No, Quit):
[Yes] q
Quick Config Done
Config (only)>
Use the talk command to connect to other router processes, such as GWCON,
MONITR, or CONFIG. After connecting to a new process, you can send specific
commands to and receive output from that process. You cannot talk to the TASKER
or OPCON process. See “Command History for GWCON and CONFIG Command
Line” on page 21 for information on how to access previously entered GWCON or
CONFIG commands.
To obtain the PID, use the OPCON status command. Once you are connected to
the second-level process, such as CONFIG, use the intercept character, Ctrl-P,to
return to the * prompt.
Example: talk 5
When using third-level processes, such as IP Config or IP, use the exit command to
return to the second level.
Use the telnet command to remotely attach to another router or to a remote host.
The only optional parameter is the terminal type that you want to emulate.
34 MRS V3.2 Software User’s Guide