
Lobe wire faults
Displays the number of times the network detects an open or short circuit in
the cable between the interface and the wiring concentrator.
Removes received
Displays the number of times the interface receives a remove ring station
MAC frame request and removes itself from the network.
Burst errors
Displays the number of times the interface detects the absence of
transitions for five half-bit times between the start delimiter (SDEL) and the
end delimiter (EDEL) or between the EDEL and the SDEL.
Inputs dropped
Displays the number of times an interface in repeat mode recognizes a
frame addressed to it but has no buffer space available to copy the frame.
Token errors
The token errors counter increments when the active monitor detects a
token protocol with any of the following errors:
The MONITOR_COUNT bit of token with nonzero priority equals one.
The MONITOR_COUNT bit of a frame equals one. No token or frame is
received within a 10-ms window.
The starting delimiter/token sequence has a code violation in an area
where code violations must not exist.
Using the GWCON Interface Command
Chapter 16. Configuring IEEE 802.5 Token-Ring Network Interfaces 233