entering 15
GWCON commands
activate 128
boot 128
buffer 129
clear 130
configuration 130
disable 133
environment 133
error 134
event 135
fault 135
features 135
interface 136, 223
log 136
memory 137
network 138
protocol 139
queue 140
reset 141
statistics 141
summary of 127
test 142
uptime 142
GWCON process
description of 127
entering and exiting 127
OPCON command 29
HDLC flags
in Frame Relay frame 392
help 10
console command 10
how to list the protocols 74
I.430 switch variant 625
I.431 switch variant 625
file transfer considerations 88
filename definitions 87
IBD boot
configuring using quick configuration 672
IBM 2210
Config-Only mode 41
identifying prompts 10
ILMI functions in LAN emulation 259
loading at specific time 89
installing software/code 90
OPCON command 30
intercept character 11
changing 30
ATM configuration command 278
ATM monitoring commands 287, 290
GWCON command 136
list of processes 7
user 7
interface device
adding 52
changing 59
configuring spare 44
spare 224
interfaces, configuring 653
interfaces, restrictions 45
Interim Local Management Interface 259
IP, configuring 664
IP (Internet Protocol), configuring using quick
configuration 664
IP Control Protocol (IPCP)
for PPP 462
Ethernet configuration command 252, 298
IPv6 Control Protocol (IPv6CP)
for PPP 462
IPX, configuring 665
IPX (Internetwork Packet Exchange)
configuring using quick configuration 666
Ethernet encapsulation types 667
token ring encapsulation types 666
IPX Control Protocol (IPXCP)
for PPP 463
accessing monitoring process 635
addresses 613
call verification 614
configuring 619, 627
cost control over demand circuits 614
delete address 63
dial circuit contention 613
dial circuits 612
GWCON commands 641
interface restrictions 619
overview 611
PPP configuration 619
requirements and restrictions 618
sample configurations 616
switches supported 618
ISDN configuration commands
disable 628
enable 628
list 628
remove 629
set 629
set switch variant 632
summary of 627
ISDN interface
using 611
ISDN monitoring commands
calls 636
channels 636
Index 723