
Configuring the 2210 for Remote Logging
To configure a 2210:
1. In talk 6, configure the remote-logging facility as shown in Figure 7 on page 158.
The IP address specified as the
should be an IP address that is
configured in the 2210 for easier identification when the IP address or the
hostname is shown in the remotely-logged ELS message. You should also verify
that this IP address resolves quickly into a hostname by the name server or that
# @(#)34 1.9 src/bos/etc/syslog/syslog.conf, cmdnet, bos411, 9428A410j 6/13/93 14:52:39
# COMPONENT_NAME: (CMDNET) Network commands.
# (C) COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 1988, 1989
# All Rights Reserved
# Licensed Materials - Property of IBM
# US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or
# disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.
# /etc/syslog.conf - control output of syslogd
# Each line must consist of two parts:-
# 1) A selector to determine the message priorities to which the
# line applies
# 2) An action.
# The two fields must be separated by one or more tabs or spaces.
# format:
# <msg_src_list> <destination>
# where <msg_src_list> is a semicolon separated list of <facility>.<priority>
# where:
# <facility> is:
# * - all (except mark)
# kern,user,mail,daemon, auth, syslog, lpr, news, uucp, cron, authpriv, local0 - local7
# <priority or level> is one of (from high to low):
# emerg,alert,crit,err(or),warn(ing),notice,info,debug
# (meaning all messages of this priority or higher)
# <destination> is:
# /filename - log to this file
# username[,username2...] - write to user(s)
# @hostname - send to syslogd on this machine
# * - send to all logged in users
# example:
# "mail messages, at debug or higher, go to Log file. File must exist."
# "all facilities, at debug and higher, go to console"
# "all facilities, at crit or higher, go to all users"
# mail.debug /usr/spool/mqueue/syslog
# *.debug /dev/console
# *.crit *
# syslog messages with facilty / priority values of LOG_USER, LOG_ALERT
user.alert /tmp/syslog_user_alert
# syslog messages with facilty / priority values of LOG_NEWS, LOG_INFO
news.info /tmp/syslog_news_info
Figure 6. syslog.conf Configuration File
Using ELS
Chapter 12. Using the Event Logging System (ELS) 157