kopy /dev/fd0 /kew /pcfs
Please insert the first diskette
Copying the first load file fragment
Please mount the second diskette
Copying the second load file fragment
Load file reassembly was successful
# ls /kew
gw0 gw1 gw.ldc
If you can’t use the UNIX Bourne shell script, you can assemble the load manually
using the following procedure:
1. Copy the load fragments on the two diskettes (gw0 and gw1) into a directory on
the UNIX file system.
2. Type the following UNIX command:
cat gw0 gw1 > gw.ldc
The resulting file (gw.ldc) is the assembled router load.
Disassembling a Load File Under DOS
To disassemble a load under DOS, use the CUTUP.EXE file as follows:
The file_extension is attached to the front of each slice needed to cut. The
file_name is the DOS file name of the file to be disassembled. The cut_length is the
length that CUTUP.EXE makes each fragment as it disassembles the file. The
following example illustrates this procedure.
C: \source\cutup>dir
Volume in drive C has no label
Volume Serial Number is XXXXXXXX
Directory of C: \SOURCE\CUTUP
GW LDC 10225660728931:22p
CUTUP EXE 105410902939:38a
2 file(s) 1033107 bytes
14811136 bytes free
C: \source\cutup>cutup gw.ldc gw 1000000
Volume in drive C has no label
Volume Serial Number is XXXXXXXX
Directory of C: \SOURCE\CUTUP
GW 0 10000000801931:22p
GW LDC 10225660728931:22p
CUTUP EXE 105410902939:38a
GW 1 225660801931:22p
4 file(s) 2055673 bytes
14811136 bytes free
678 MRS V3.2 Software User’s Guide