Creating Custom Key Maps 255
E-EQ-MX7RG-B MX7 Reference Guide
Keymap Source Format
The source file DEFAULT.KEY is supplied with the keymap compiler. This is the commented
source for the default keymap Default. The comments in this file should make the majority of this
document redundant. There is a copy of this file at the end of this section, in “Sample Input File”.
This section should be read while referring to this sample source, for simplicity.
It is an important limitation that the keymap must have a 4, 5, or 6 digit numeric name; this is a
limit of the Microsoft Windows CE layout manager.
The format of this file is familiar to anyone who has used .INI files under Windows. There is a
section header in square brackets, followed by various values in the form value=data.
Lines beginning with a semicolon (;) or empty lines are ignored as comments. Spaces or tabs
before or after the information are stripped off and ignored. Case is ignored in section names,
value names, and value data.
Note: Before connecting to a host using Remote Desktop Connection, go to Start | Settings |
Control Panel | Keyboard and select Default from the keymap popup. Tap OK.
COLxROWx Format
Note: There is no relationship between the physical layout COL/ROW of the keyboard / keypad
and the COL/ROW listing in the key map file. The key map file represents the electrical
layout, not the physical layout.
All keys are specified in COLxROWx format. In this format, the first x is the 1 or 2 digit column
in the keymap, and the second x is the 1 or 2 digit row in the keymap. All rows and columns are
enumerated starting with zero (0).
In the MAP section, the COLxROWx is the value name, and the values must be less than the
MAPROWS and MAPCOLS specified in the GENERAL section.
In the SPECIAL section, the COLxROWx is the value data, and the values given can be outside
the normal key map limits.
The first section is the GENERAL section. This contains the keymap name (all numerics), as well
as the number of rows and columns in the keymap, and the algorithm for converting rows and
columns to a data byte to go into the keymap table.
MAPDESC Name of this map. This is what appears in the popup menu in the
keyboard control panel.
MAPNAME ID code of this map, for use with the internal Win32 APIs (which require
a numeric value).
MAPCNT Gives the number of MAP sections (and hence keymap tables) in this
source file.
MAPCOLS Number of columns in each keymap table. This is defined by the
hardware keyboard.