
ECU Installation ........................... 3-71
ECU Power Supply Inspection..... 3-72
DFI Power Source ............................. 3-74
ECU Fuse Removal ..................... 3-74
ECU Fuse Installation .................. 3-74
ECU Fuse Inspection................... 3-74
ECU Main Relay Removal ........... 3-74
ECU Main Relay Inspection......... 3-74
Fuel Line............................................ 3-75
Fuel Pressure Inspection ............. 3-75
Fuel Flow Rate Inspection ........... 3-76
Fuel Pump ......................................... 3-78
Fuel Pump Removal .................... 3-78
Fuel Pump Installation ................. 3-78
Operation Inspection.................... 3-79
Operating Voltage Inspection....... 3-79
Pressure Regulator Removal....... 3-80
Pump Screen, Fuel Filter
Cleaning.................................... 3-80
Fuel Pump Relay Removal .......... 3-81
Fuel Pump Relay Inspection........ 3-81
Fuel Injectors..................................... 3-82
Removal/Installation..................... 3-82
Audible Inspection........................ 3-82
Power Source Voltage Inspection 3-82
Output Voltage Inspection............ 3-83
Injector Signal Test....................... 3-84
Injector Resistance Inspection..... 3-85
Injector Unit Test .......................... 3-85
Injector Fuel Line Inspection........ 3-85
Throttle Grip and Cables ................... 3-88
Throttle Grip Play
Inspection/Adjustment............... 3-88
Choke Lever O peration................ 3-88
Choke Lever P lay Inspection ....... 3-88
Choke Lever Play Adjustment ...... 3-88
Cable Removal/Installation .......... 3-88
Cable Lubrication and Inspection. 3-88
Throttle Body Assy ............................ 3-89
Idle Speed Inspection/Adjustment 3-89
Throttle Bore Cleaning................. 3-89
Engine Vacuum Synchronization
Inspection/Adjustment............... 3-89
High Altitude Performance
Adjustment ................................ 3-89
Throttle Body Assy Removal........ 3-89
Throttle Body Assy Installation..... 3-91
Throttle Body Assy Disassembly . 3-92
Throttle Body Assy Assembly ...... 3-93
Air Cleaner......................................... 3-94
Element Rem oval/Installation ...... 3-94
Air Cleaner Oil Draining ............... 3-94
Air Cleaner Housing Removal...... 3-94
Fuel Tank ........................................... 3-95
Fuel Tank Removal ...................... 3-95
Fuel Tank Installation ................... 3-97
Fuel Tank and Cap Inspection ..... 3-98
Fuel Tank Cleaning ...................... 3-98
Evaporative Emission Control
System............................................ 3-99
Parts Removal/Installation ........... 3-99
Canister Installation ..................... 3-99
Hose Inspection ........................... 3-99
Separator Inspection.................... 3-99
Separator Operation Test............. 3-100