Troubleshooting Guide
Muffler overheating:
For KLEEN, do not run the engine even if
with on
ly one cylinder misfiring or poor
running (Request the nearest service fa-
cility to correct it)
EN, do not push-start with a dead
battery (Connect another full-charged
battery with jumper cables, and start the
e using the electric starter)
For KLEEN, do not start the engine under
misfire due to spark plug fouling or poor
ction of the stick coil
For KLEEN, do not coast the motorcycle
with the ignition switch off (Turn the igni-
tion s
witch O N and run the engine)
IC igniter in ECU trouble
Fuel/air mixture incorrect:
tle body assy holder loose
Air cleaner duct loose
Air cleaner poorly sealed, or missing
Air cl
eaner O-ring damaged
Air cleaner clogged
Compression high:
built up in combustion chamber
Engine load faulty:
Clutch slipping
oil level too high
Engine oil viscosity too high
Drive train trouble
Brake d
Lubrication inadequate:
Engine oil level too low
Engine o
il poor quality or incorrect
Oil cooler incorrect:
Oil cooler clogged
Gauge in
Water temperature gauge broken
Water temperature sensor broken
Coolant i
Coolant level too low
Coolant deteriorated
Wrong coo
lant mixed ratio
Cooling system component incorrect:
Radiator fin damaged
Thermostat trouble
Radiator cap trouble
Radiator f
an switch trouble
Radiator fan relay trouble
Fan motor broken
Fan blade d
Water pump not turning
Water pum p impeller damaged
Over Cooling:
Gauge incorrect:
Water t
emperature gauge broken
Water temperature sensor broken
Cooling system component incorrect:
r fan switch trouble
Thermostat trouble
Clutch Operation Faulty:
Clutch slipping:
Friction plate worn or warped
Steel plate worn or warped
Clutch spring broken or weak
Clutch hub or housing unevenly worn
No clutch lever play
Clutch inner cable trouble
Clutch release mechanism trouble
Clutch not disengaging properly:
Clutch plate warped or too rough
Clutch spring compression uneven
Engine oil deteriorated
Engine oil viscosity too high
Engine oil level too high
Clutch housing frozen on drive shaft
Clutch hub nut loose
Clutch hub spline damaged
Clutch friction plate installed wrong
Clutch lever play excessive
Clutch release mechanism trouble
Gear Shifting Faulty:
Doesn’t go into gear; shift pedal doesn’t
Clutch not disengaging
Shift fork bent or seized
Gear stuck on the shaft
Gear positioning lever binding
Shift return spring weak or broken
Shift return spring pin loose
Shift mechanism arm spring broken
Shift mechanism arm broken
Shift pawl broken
Jumps out of gear:
Shift fork ear worn, bent
Gear groove worn
Gear dogs and/or dog holes worn
Shift drum groove worn
Gear positioning lever spring weak or bro-
Shift fork guide pin worn
Drive shaft, output shaft, and/or gear
splines worn
Gear positioning lever spring weak or bro-
Shift mechanism arm spring broken